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ParticipantSharleen, sounds like you have jumped into your new job with both feet! Good for you!
Looking forward to reading your study on head coverings.
ParticipantI absolutely agree with you. We do have liberty under the grace of God through Christ. Since we know this, Paul can’t possibly be talking about us wearing a head covering while praying, so what in the world is he talking about?!
I think we are all anxiously waiting to ready what Sharleen has to say.
This latest ailment of yours is worrisome. Perhaps you should see your medical practitioner.
ParticipantAnxious to read your study on this, Sharleen.
To answer your question, Mari, I don’t think praying with our head uncovered is a sin. It sounds more to me like best practices perhaps? I honestly don’t understand the whole passage. Perhaps covering one’s head shows some kind of respect.
ParticipantYes, I agree. None of this has anything to do with salvation, just a woman’s conduct and appearance.
Yes, Mari, Paul is trying to tell us something. I wish I knew what it was.
Sharleen, how did you present this to the couple?
ParticipantThat is a very good idea. I never would have thought of it. Thanks.
Justin spent a lot of time talking about doing things in order. I do believe that the ordinances that Paul talks about in 1 Cor 11:2 are the teachings of grace because that is what Paul teaches.
I agree. Hair length and head coverings sound so Lawish (not a real word :)). But what is Paul talking about then? I used to think that this was their customs and so Paul was using that. But I just don’t know.
It seems like the more I study my Bible, the less I know. 🙁
ParticipantI did listen to Justin’s sermons on head coverings. He gave lots of Biblical truths, but I am afraid I could not follow his conclusions in relation to these verses. I do see ordinances in vs 11 being an orderly teaching of grace. This one is a real poser. I used to kind of just dismiss these verses as unimportant in our day, but I think that is not the way to deal with the God’s word.
To be honest, I got the impression that Justin was sort of dismissing it. Like I said, he gave lots of Biblical truths, but I do not see their relationship with this passage. Now you know why I was keeping quiet. I don’t really have anything of value to share. Lots of questions though.
Anyone else?
How did your study go, Sharleen?
ParticipantI’m sorry I didn’t respond. Sharleen was looking for discerning comments, and this has always been unclear to me.
Sorry to hear about your eye, Mari. I hope there is no lasting damage.
Yes, Col 2:14 says the Law was nailed to the cross. However, ! Cor 11:2 tells us to keep the ordinances, as Paul has delivered them. This is why I kept my mouth shut.:)
ParticipantI sent it. If you don’t get it, let me know.
Participant🙂 I sent it to I also have one at They are the only ones I have. If you want me to use another, just let me know.
ParticipantMari, please watch your gmail account for an email from me. I hope that was the correct one. Looking forward to hearing from you. 🙂
ParticipantJesus did put His faith in His own blood, and He is both man and God.
You are right, we are not robots. We can either accept His free gift at the cross, his death, burial, and resurrection alone as our Savior or not.
ParticipantI did not say obedient was the same as faith. Just that if Jesus could be obedient, he could also have faith.
ParticipantI apologize if the lack of communication is my fault. I am not trying to sway anyone to my way of thinking at all. I am just trying to explain why I interpret faith of Christ the way that I do. This is probably going to be one of those subjects that we will have to agree to disagree.
I will do my best to answer your questions.
Romans 3:21-26. Jesus had faith in his blood. Jesus did not become a propitiation because of OUR faith in his blood. He became a propitiation because of HIS faith in his blood. We are made righteous because of HIS faith not OUR faith.
Philippians 2:5-8. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
Although Jesus is God, he took the form of a servant in the likeness of man and became obedient unto death. Obedient, is God obedient? To whom? However, as the likeness of man, Jesus became obedient.
The object of Jesus’ faith was in his shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection as the propitiation for OUR sins.
By looking at faith of Christ as the content of OUR faith, it sounds to me like you are putting too much emphasis on OUR faith, therefore diminishing the deity of Christ.
ParticipantI understand how you are reading this, TNT. However, in 2 Tim. 3:16, “… for instruction in righteousness.” Romans 3:22 instructs about the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe. vs 25 “Who God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness…”
It is by the faith of Jesus that he became the propitiation for our sins and the faith of Jesus Christ that the righteousness of God is available to all. Philippians 3:9 “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.
ParticipantMari, glad you are back! I will comment on Brooke and Paula in Chat.
1. Yes, we agree that Jesus, as God, knows everything.
2. Yes, we agree in the deity of Christ. Hard not soft.
3. Mark 13:32 is another subject for another time. This muddies the waters for me as does 1 Timothy 3:16. It does not help to compare apples to oranges.
4. What do I believe? I will copy something I wrote awhile back.
Me: As hard as I have tried, this just does not make sense to me in the context of “the faith of Christ”. Psalms 16:1 tells us that Jesus put His trust in God. Jesus was obedient to God. Romans 5:19 “…the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” Philippians 2:8 “…became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
Jesus did what God told him to do because he trusted God to do what He said He would do. Isaiah 50:5-9 “The Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back. I gave my back to the miters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me? let us stand together: who is mine adversary? let him come near to me. Behold, the Lord God will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up.”
In the entire chapter of Psalm 16, Jesus tells us what he has faith in. He has put his trust in God. 16:10 “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.”
Okay, I’m back again. 2 Timothy 3:15 Paul tells Timothy, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” …the faith that dwells in Jesus.Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
It seems so simple to me. To me, I feel that you and Justin are rationalizing the phrase because you feel it somehow takes away from the deity of Christ. I don’t see it that way at all.