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Mari – Administrator
KeymasterThanks Sharleen…. I am re-writing all my old studies…now that I have learned so much more…want to shake some of the studies out!
I love these studies too. They are just the best for me!
Justin reminded me of something….when I told him that the church here might only have me and Emmie…but at least the truth will be available here…he told me this: “It’s what the Lord would have you do no matter what. Increase may be seen in yourself”
I sometimes forget that we do not always know the increase or outcome…but we still do what is right and I believe the Lord wants you to answer…whether they listen or understand or not… HE has His reasons. 🙂 And…I forgot that sometimes it is the work He is doing in us as we do the right thing…not always those we are ministering too!
I just love you all!
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterPlease use I cannot access the other one! Drats….
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterOh oh….I cannot find my gmail account….could you send me the addy you sent it too. Sheesh…that is bad…huh? LOL
Actually send it to me at The other is only when I travel and I cannot find it anyway! Sheesh
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Mari - Administrator.
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterI believe I would rather hear what Pam has to say to my last two posts…because I am totally in the dark now as to what is being thought here….
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterPam said: “Jesus did put His faith in His own blood, and He is both man and God.”
I am not sure what you mean here Pam…are you saying that as man Jesus needed to have faith in His own blood? For what reason did He need faith in His blood? Are you number one…
1. Separating out Jesus fully man from Jesus fully God?
2. Saying that because Jesus was man…that He needed redemption the same as any man?
3. Do you believe Jesus as man was sinless and remained sinless?
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterPam stated: “Although Jesus is God, he took the form of a servant in the likeness of man and became obedient unto death. Obedient, is God obedient? To whom? However, as the likeness of man, Jesus became obedient.”
This is a very important conversation to me, and for those I love here, because there are those who are preaching against the deity of Christ and using the verses like Phil 2:5-8 to diminish Him as fully God, without understanding….I hope.
Kenosis was first promoted by guess who…the Roman Catholic Church…it has been picked up by others such as protestants religions, the separated sisters of Rome, and…BBS, Saddler, Kurth, Jordan and others are teaching Kenosis. It has begun to grow like a cancer among grace believers.
I am NOT saying you are Pam…I am saying it is being used by others to sway believers that Jesus Christ did not know things and… still… seated at the right hand of the Father…still does not know things and is still learning from “God”…which is to diminish Him as God!
So what is Kenosis? (And this below shows the problem with the new translations…where they change the words from reputation to “emptied himself”….)
The word “kenosis” (kenosis) has entered theological language from Philippians 2:7, where in the sentence he “emptied himself” the Greek verb is ekenosen. “Kenosis,” then, the corresponding noun, has become a technical term for the humiliation of the Son in the incarnation, but in recent years has acquired a still more technical sense, i.e. of the Son’s emptying Himself of certain attributes, especially of omniscience.
From Mirriam Webster:
Definition of kenosis
: the relinquishment of divine attributes by Jesus Christ in becoming humanWe serve one God in three persons and the person Jesus Christ is the fullness of the Godhead, bodily. As a man Jesus Christ humbled Himself to be made sin and die for us, and this is why His name is exalted above every name.
We understand that Jesus Christ has a divine nature and a human nature though He is One Being. His divine nature does not alter His human nature and His human nature does not alter His divine nature. Meaning that He slept, He also died and rose again! He ate, He also calmed the storms and healed the sick and raised others from the dead!
(This is a question for all of you. WHO raised Jesus Christ from the dead?)
Jesus Christ is always God and always man. Jesus Christ could only die if He was man, He could only die for our sins if He was God. (I answered the question I asked a few posts up…)
Another question for you Pam if you do not mind…. Do you believe that Jesus Christ as God emptied, laid aside or removed His divine nature from Jesus…so that Jesus the man could humble Himself to obey the Father?
Now to answer a question. YES…the Father, as God… did humble Himself. Psa 113:6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
Remember this…that trying to change or lessen the deity of Christ is the same as trying to change or lessen the Godhead. If it is true of Jesus Christ who is the fullness of the Godhead, it is true of the Father and the Holy Spirit. They are One. Jesus Christ has always been the son of God. Jesus Christ added humanity to Himself, He did not set aside any of Himself as God!
This is an excellent account of the Holy Spirit humbling Himself:
Joh 16:13-14 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
I love you all…I encourage us all to pray for one another while we study these most important doctrines out.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Mari - Administrator.
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterJust to be clear here….Pam, you are saying that you believe Jesus Christ needed to put His faith in His own blood…as man and as God?
We are not robots …we either put our faith in the free gift of God or in ourselves. One is to our salvation…the other is to unbelief and hell. I would say what we put our faith in is very important…..
Mari – Administrator
“Mark 13:32 is another subject for another time. This muddies the waters for me as does 1 Timothy 3:16. It does not help to compare apples to oranges.”
Pam….agreed! I think we should do them next on another thread here too! 🙂
Mari – Administrator
Keymaster‘faith that dwells in Jesus”
What is that faith?
I’m thinking, it can’t be faith in God
He is God……It can’t be faith in God’s plan
He made the plan….So, I think the faith of Christ
is the Christian faith….After a person believes
he is justified, sanctified,
and made righteous…..That was good TNT.
Pam….we all agree that Jesus never sinned… that He was fully sinless man and also fully God.
(By the by…Did you forget my question…do you know why and how Jesus, as fully man/fully God never sinned? This is actually very important in this whole conversation)
What is at question here …is that even though Jesus did not need faith the way men do because He was/is sinless man, why do the verses still then speak of the “faith of Christ” as if He were a sinful man in need of faith…right?
We know and understand that to say He needed faith is to deny that He did not sin or…that He does not know everything even as the Son of God, the fullness of the Godhead, bodily. (And this is what many Pastor’s are teaching today…and large grace organizations as well…some of these we know and have trusted…so we must let them go and turn only to the word of God.)
So…where does faith come from? The Word of God tells us clearly:
Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Jesus Christ IS the word of God!
Joh_1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Faith of Jesus Christ is knowing the truth! (John 1:14…1:17 and John 14:1)
We do not want to believe in a lie! Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life!
Jesus knows the truth of all things. HE is the object of our faith. We have believed the truth of Christ!
This is message of Christ that we have believed in:
2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Gal 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Also, Pam…did you get my other question? If Jesus somehow needed faith, what is Jesus’ faith in? I mean what was/is the object of His faith…because faith without an object…is no faith at all…or at least has has no merit….
Everyone having a good time? I am learning a lot…so I say yes!! Love you gals…. 🙂
Mari – Administrator
<div>Last but not least….#4</div>
<div>While I do believe there is prophecy in Psalms…it IS David writing them. Attributing everything that David wrote as applying to Jesus Christ seems to make the characteristics of David as if David is more than a man…and therefore making Jesus less than fully God! </div>
<div>Remember too that David is just a man…a sinner in need of a Saviour….While Jesus is both sinless fully man and fully God!</div>
<div>Just some thoughts here….</div>
<div></div>Mari – Administrator
KeymasterOkay…need to ask another question here…we will make this #3….
Pam wrote:
“Thanks for the discussion, TNT. The deity of Christ and our salvation was never the issue with me. The faith of Christ meaning just that, Christ’s faith, and not OUR content of faith. Anyway, this discussion lead to lots of Bible time so that is a good thing. ”
So, what do you think the “faith of Christ” is…or means?
You state that you believe that the faith of Christ is not the content of our faith….so what are you seeing as the differences. In other words, what is the faith of Christ to your understanding…and what is the content of our faith to your understanding…what are the differences. Thanks Pam! Sometimes understanding the perimeters simply helps…often we end up saying or understanding the same thing…only with different words. LOL
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterThis is a great discussion! I will make this #1…so we can keep them straight…
Pam….you just said: Yes, yes, yes. That was my whole point Jesus had faith that his shed blood, death, and resurrection would be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world to them that believe. This whole discussion came about because Mari and Justin believe that the faith of Christ is the content of our faith. I think that is a huge difference.
Pam, as we both agree, Jesus was fully man and fully God. Why would He need to have faith that His shed blood, death and resurrection would be the propitiation for our sins for those who believe? This is separating Jesus out as man…not including that He is always who He is, which is fully God. It is ignoring that Jesus is fully God to say that He did not know this ..but needed to have faith like any sinful, unknowing man. That He needed faith in His Godself, because remember, He and the Father are one!
The word of God tells us that He is the FULLNESS of the Godhead bodily!
While Jesus is fully man…had the nature of man…He is also fully God and has the nature of God. As a man he slept…but He heard every prayer whether sleeping or not… While He is fully man and experienced it all and every temptation of man, He remained sinless. Do you all know why?
#2 What is being taught by the faith of Christ in some grace circles…is that Jesus did not know everything. Kind of like what was stated above, that Jesus had to have faith in His own blood and the plan of God…as if He were just a man who did not know the things of God! Making Him less than God…and only a man. This IS Kenosis. So…there must be something that is missing here….
Let us broaden our study so we can understand…me too! This is a very hard study in many ways!
1. We need to understand that Jesus knows everything because Jesus is fully God, and as man He is the fullness of the Godhead, bodily.
2. Who denies that Jesus is God? All the cult religions in one form or way or another, in denying Him the attributes of God. Or in softly…denying Jesus the attributes of God with things like emptying, putting himself away…the et als of Kenosis. This is what is happening today, even in grace circles…a sort of soft denial of the deity of Christ…and miss-using the expression of the “faith of Christ” to begin this old battle today amongst believers. It is why we need to study and prove this out so that we remain strong and true to the word of God.
2. We see differences and we know differences are important! Let me show you two. The Apostles understood that Jesus KNOWS all things.
Joh 16:30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.
We are told that ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Jesus Christ…!
Col 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Then we also read: Mar 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
Which is true? They both are true! It is the same as when James tells us that faith without works is dead….but Paul says that we are saved by our faith and not our works….which is true? Both are true but for different people at different times. So….why are we being told that Jesus knows all things, is the holder of all wisdom and knowledge, yet He does not know when He will return…but the Father?
I have written enough here…and will now give you an article to read, rather than to r-write in my own words…just do not have time today. And really…why mess with a clear message? LOL
I hope this helps. It surely did help me. However….I am still studying fully with you all!!
I also want to thank everyone for participating here. I think it is one of the best discussions and studies we have ever done! 🙂
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterOkay….first update….Brooke is cancer free!! She did not need to go through Chemo or anything! This is just awesome!! We thank God for His mercy and care, and still keep Brooke in prayer…..
Update on Paula and her husband Buzz… It is still not going well at all. I am just not sure what to say here. Will maybe know more next week what is going to happen and will share then. I will also ask Paula if she would come on and share….
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterOkay….finally got here! Long story I will share later if anyone is interested…but I am home for the next three days and hope to get caught up reading here…and the house! LOL Okay…reading now….
Mari – Administrator
KeymasterAwwwww…thanks so much Pam!
Yes…that was an eye opener to me too….that even those against what we believe rightly divide…they just pick and choose what THEY want…rather than what God has pointed out to us! Amazing to me too….
Another real eye opener to me is that Satan blinds the lost from this glorious gospel…and is hid to them that are lost!! So we can know someone is lost if they cannot see this….very powerful to me. The way is narrow. Check out 2 Cor 4:3….. I am studying this now…as I think it will make a fascinating study….though it is very deep. Can’t wait to see what the editors think…LOL They often just destroy my thoughts…thankfully so!!
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by