Ambassadors Seminar 2014
What is the difference between these two statues?

Not much. One is from the East and one from the West, but they are both religions.
There is not much difference between religions, but there are fundamental differences between religion and grace.
Paul, the apostle of grace, put stores like this out of business by preaching grace (Acts 19:25-27).
Religions involve physical objects. The blessings of grace are spiritual(Eph 1:13).
Religions and their objects of worship are sold in stores. Grace is a gift, and cannot be bought or sold (Eph 2:8-9).
These differences and more will be the theme of this year’s Ambassadors’ Seminar titled:
Religion vs. Grace.
The seminar will be on Saturday and Sunday December 13th and 14th, hosted by Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship just south of Swayzee, Indiana.
If the dispensation of God’s grace is news to you, or you are stuck in church religion you are specially invited to come out and ask your questions.
Over the weekend there will be six hours of teaching, sound doctrinal singing, lunch provided on Saturday, plenty of time for questions, and classes for the children.
Finally learn the real difference between religion and grace in the Bible, and where you fit in.
Hope to see you there!
For His glory,
Justin Curtis Johnson