Reply To: God Manifest in the Flesh is Not You

Home Forums Open Public Forum Grace Ambassadors Ministry God Manifest in the Flesh is Not You Reply To: God Manifest in the Flesh is Not You

Sharleen Australia

Ok I have heard a completely different take on these verses.  We have discussed the mystery of godliness on a topic site here as GR brought it up once.  Great is the mystery could be God in us?  So frustrating when the preachers don’t agree and use the same scripture to bring out their point.  They need a Grace ministers gathering and sort out these issues as I don’t know what to believe :).  Not that I am relying on men as such but they have so much more knowledge and I struggle to discern from one message to the next.  Though I am tending to lean more to the ‘God in us’ being the mystery, than Justin on this one.  And that is a big call for me as I trust his teaching.